
Uit Pareltaal
Versie door Martien (overleg | bijdragen) op 10 jan 2011 om 09:41 (Mensen die zichzelf definiëren door ideeën van anderen aan te vallen leven voor altijd in iemand's schaduw.)
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…een schatkamer van ideeën.

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Geen enkel idee wordt perfect geboren. Geef het een kans om te groeien, om te rijpen.

Geniet van het ‘moorden’ want hierdoor wordt het sterker. Als je idee de ideeënmoordenaar overleeft, is het sterker.

De ideeënmoordenaar scheidt het kaf van het koren. Snoei alle onzin eruit of keer het om naar iets zinnigs. Wees meedogenloos in het tuinieren onder ideeën. Ga rechtstreeks naar die ideeën die je hart raken en gebruik de hartedief.

Wijze troost: Mensen die zichzelf definiëren door ideeën van anderen aan te vallen leven voor altijd in iemand's schaduw.


Ontwijk onderstaande negatieve commentaren en laat de ideeën die het minste kans lijken te maken in kracht toenemen tot de beste ideeën. Wat ze niet vernietigt maakt ze sterker!

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Dit geeft de schepper van het idee de gelegenheid om het idee verder te modelleren en aan te scherpen tijdens het gesprek. Het diepteinterview maakt je idee ook sterker en completer. Giet het ondertussen in een ideevorm zodat je idee ook wat structuur krijgt.

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Vier basale strategieën om ideeën af te schieten:

  1. Verwarring —Confusion—confuse the idea bringer; getting the conversation back and forth so convoluted that the audience can't quite follow it. If they can't follow it they begin to wonder, maybe it's not right, people at academia excell in this
  2. Schokverteren—Fear mongering, Shockvertising— (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt; Angst, Onzekerheid en Twijfel), angstzaaierij—people punch the anxiety button, reminding them with, you know, something that happened years ago, threaten with layoffs, . words are great. lawyers usually send letters like this
  3. Dood door uitstel—Death by delay—there are just so many ways that people can say, we can't finish it in this meeting or with this task force. and when they're done, the time is passed, the opportunity window is closed.
  4. Karaktermoord—Ridiculize (ridiculisering)—character assassination, making you look not competent, not having done your homework, silly, is a great way to shoot people down.

Zelf maken we ons ook schuldig aan deze contraproductieve praktijken:

  1. Angst zaaien—Je presentatie beginnen met subjectief in plaats van objectief kritiek betreffende controversiële kwesties. Gebruik liever een feitenkaart. De voorbereiding maakt je ook al een stuk zekerder.
  2. Verwarring—Te veel informatie toevoegen en om de hete brij heendraaien en zo verzuimen om anderen zich comfortabel en op het gemak te laten voelen, vooraal als het een cultuurverandering betreft. brullen in het hol van de leeuw over een cultuurkaart voorkomt die verwarring.
  3. Dood door uitstel—Tot het allerlaatste moment wachten om je gedachten en ideeën te presenteren of delen uit angst voor afwijzing, het op tenen gaan staan, je onbegrip van informatie zichtbaar maken of het willen gehoorzamen aan een strict protocol. liefde, lef en leiderschap, nu meteen en durf te kiezen trekken je hier door heen.
  4. Karaktermoord—Gebruik van onzekere taal, aarzelende beweringen en verklaringen in de vorm van een vraag stellen beschadigen je geloofwaardigheid. Je toont hiermee je eigen fatale ontbreken van vertrouwen in je idee waar je enorm veel energie en denkkracht in hebt geïnvesteerd. krachttaal maakt je sterk.

Counter by:

  1. breng de leeuwen zodat je kunt brullen in het hol van de leeuw—if you know you've got something and you know it's a good idea and you know that there are a number of people out there who are not going to like it, our first reaction is to try to isolate them and get them out of the way (isolation and containment). don't tell them all, don't invite them to the meeting, don't put them on the cc. the general idea is that the less people there are with guns, the higher the probability that your idea gets accepted. counterintuitively, what works best is to invite them all. bring in the lions. why? the problem is, we are overwhelmed (with email, tweets, blogs, phone calls, growing to do list, the kids, your spouse, news; information smog) everyone is so busy today, your little idea does not get attention, gets lost so easily in there unless something draws attention to it, it drowns in everday's noise. so, invite everyone, friend and foe, this will draw gunfire, gunfire draws attenttion. when they start shooting at you, people off to the side, doing their tweets and blackberries and iphone stuff, suddenly stop and look. if i would say something to you which is outrageous, the probability that someone will look at it with more intensity goes up. once you've got their attention, you've got the chance to win over their hearts and minds to the point that they really will support you. and this is what it is really all about. for all the basic generic shots, there are simple responses, and it has great virtue.
  2. houd het simpel—it is critical to keep it simple. it is so easy to be pulled into, say, vietnam by these things. avoid debating details. people tune out or walk away. nobody is listening carefully to what the idea is to make an independent judgement. Apply Ockhams scheermes and develop a merkklik. A simple idea is ideal to start een rumoer. Tell it in gewoon Nederlands.
  3. meedogenvolle dialoog—treat the audience with respect, verbally, gesture, written, always (also see the vier inzichten). it is so easy to start beating someone who is coming at you offensively. it's often a reflex to beat them into submission. esp. when you get defensive or angry. respect makes you more like a statesman. it's less risky to find out what the needs are of the person shooting at you. focus on needs. meedogenvolle communicatie. it makes the offender look bad and you look good and draws the audience towards you, which is what you want to get their emotional and intellectual support. it is critical to watch the overall audience. it is so easy when someone throws a baseball (or shoe) at you to focus all your energy on her or him and somehow disarm them, pound them, whatever. when attacked, don't fire back. but the name of the game is, you are trying to get support from 5, 50, 5,000 people. and it is the masses you want to pay attention to. don't get obsessed with people who, you will never change their mind.
  4. voorbereiding is 90% van het resultaat. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Meetings, paperwork, etc. it could be 5 minutes for a new strategy, it could be lots of meetings, it could be material like cheat sheets (spiekblad) in the book, thinking of how it could be used, who could say what. also, preparation reduces your anxiety level, makes you more confident and less defensive. use the formule voor zelfvertrouwen to gain self-confidence. Also, think through about what people might say to find out where people might come through, even reasonable people. Compile an FAQ (veel voorkomende vragen). If you have been working hard and someone comes at you, you want to explain it and say, it's this and that and such and so. If you are smart it is 15 and then 25 (minutes?) and the audience has gone to sleep and wondering about you and you're dead. So, prepare and get it clear in your mind. Own and transcend your idea.

That's it. Five things apply to everything. It is straight forward. Anybody can learn it. Boom.

You don't have to memorize all this stuff. Keep the book Buy In somewhere around so you've review it. Better still, have a cheat sheet (spiekblad) of Aardnoot » Buy In handy.


  • Does already exist!
  • It's not in our image.
  • It's not in our style.
  • Zo doen we dat hier niet.—Onderschat alsjeblieft niet hoe krachtig deze zin is. Als je dit tegen een (net nieuwe) collega, student of vrijwerker zegt, heb je een zeer krachtige norm gevestigd, een die ze niet snel zullen uitdagen. Misschien is dit precies je bedoeling, maar als je doel is om innovatie aan te moedigen, heb je het verknald.
  • I don't know...
  • That's a new one to me.

Fear mongering

  • Incurs just too much change!
  • Management will not endorse it!
  • Way too expensive!
  • It'll turn everybody off.
  • That's not consistent with the way we do things here.
  • What will people say?
  • That's very interesting, but...
  • That's fantastic, but...
  • Yes, but...

Death by delay

  • Requires more research!
  • We'll never find the time to do it.
  • Who's going to do it?


  • (Silence)
  • Yuck!
  • Sounds crazy to me!
  • How in the world did you come up with that?!
  • It'll never work.
  • Do you really think that would work?
  • Why bother?
  • Sorry...try again.
  • It doesn't grab me.
  • It sounds too simple.
  • It sounds too complicated.
  • We've never done anything like that before.
  • Has anyone ever done anything like that before?
  • Let's be realistic...
  • Come on...get serious.
  • Great idea-but not for us.
  • People will say we're silly.
  • People will say we're reckless.

Beaten all the idea killers above? Ready for some more?


Bron: the mirror uit Creativity Today, pagina 142.